Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Wedding Party

Our wedding parties are in place. We chucked the trend of an equal number. I have seven. Dean has less. I forget how many exactly he has. It's either 4, 5, or 6.

Seven you wonder? How do you have seven bridesmaids? Well, first of all, they're not all bridesmaids. There's my sister as the matron of honor, then my six dear friends from high school. I guess a combination of bridesmaids and bridesmen?

Conrado's like my brother. We met in elementary school. I have fond memories of biking to his house after school and gorging on ice-cream.

Erika and I laughed our way through French class. We didn't learn a thing, but seemed to traipse around Paris just fine last year.

I had a crush on Marc in high school. We promised to marry each other if we were still single at 40--even though he's gay.

Cristina's my Gemini twin. We have a lot of history together, but I most enjoy hanging out in the burbs with her and her extended family (Cristina's mom, cousins, nieces) along with her two cute daughters while her husband Allan barbeques ribs!

Stephanie's the only high school friend that I lived with. We paid about $400 in rent during the dot com boom and spent many-a-night watching Mulan.

Daniel and I went on to Cal together (along with Marc and Erika) and we lived a portion of our lives at the UCSF library, studying all night long to get into grad school. Daniel's probably sorry he works near me because I always make him listen to my problems during lunch or happy hour.

My older sister Therese looks like my twin. Although we look alike, we're total opposites with Therese being a lot more talented and artistic. She juggles a household of three boys (just kidding Ronnie!) and teaches music in Atherton.

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