Wednesday, December 16, 2009


No I'm not dieting.  An acquaintance who's getting married asked me for tips on how to lose weight.  Since I truly used to be overweight and struggled with poundage issues for many years, I feel overly-qualified to advise.

1. Do not diet.  Let me repeat.  DO NOT DIET.  Dieting is counter-intuitive.  Trust me. Restriction leads to weight gain.

2. Eat what you crave.  When I'm craving Chinese food, I go out and eat Chinese food.  When I feel like having a meal of fried greasy onion rings, I do so.  If you fail to do this, you will continue to think about it until you eat what you're craving.  

3. Do not waste your time eating foods that are apparently good for you.  If you don't like it, do not eat it.  I'm so sick of people telling me I should eat more fruit.  I cannot stand fruit!  I avoid it like I avoid sniffly people on the MUNI bus.  It's just wasted calories.  The problem is, we have this notion that we need to eat "good" food like fruit and veggies, then we can have dessert.  That's bullshit.  If you want to eat steak.  Eat steak and it will fulfill you.  If you want to eat Cheetos like I do, then do so and feel satisfied.

4. Running burns the most calories, but really you should do whatever physical activity makes you feel great.  Physical activity will definitely slim you back up.  But once you get down to your ideal weight and you're able to maintain it, then you can ditch the physical activity.  I don't really work out anymore.  I love the extra time I have in my life to do something other than sweat on a treadmill.

5. There's something about drinking grapefruit juice that helps you lose weight.  It's proven. 

6. I make my biggest meal brunch or lunch.  During the week, I'm too busy to have a big breakfast, but I consume around 1,000 calories during lunch.  I go to town with Thai food or a cheeseburger, onion rings, and chocolate chip cookie.  I'm so full throughout the afternoon that all I need is a light dinner.  For brunch on weekends, you'll see me ask the waiter for the most caloric thing on the menu.

7. Last, but not least: the secret.  Readers of my blog know that I'm a firm believer in the book The Secret.  If you believe, you will receive. One of the chapters talks about losing weight. Believe yourself skinny and you're there.

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