Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Facebook Etiquette

It was a tough decision, but I did not accept their friend requests. OK, I know they're my aunts, but I've got to draw the line somewhere. Here's some background. I come from a really catty family. People make fun of each other. Everyone's rude. They'll kick you when you're down. My aunts especially are no exception. A few years back, my name was googled. They told my mom. Then suddenly, I was in big trouble for writing as frankly as I did. No more. I've had it. Sure, they can still google my name and read my blog, but there's no need to have my life front and center in their Facebook feed. Especially when they only have a handful of friends. They would have a field day with my tweets.

My biggest worry will be the day either of my parents requests to be my Facebook friend. Please let their social media retardedness continue for the near future.

My other regret was adding co-workers as friends. A friend of Dean's has this policy of not accepting any of his co-workers and I thought, "God, I should have done that!"

With that, here is an interesting article written by the CEO of Joie de Vivre hotels. He's a Burner and got into a bit of hot water when pictures of him half-naked in the desert circulated on the interweb. Check it out. He gives me hope. If ever I get fired for being who I am, the first call will be to Joie de Vivre for a job.

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