Not only does Dean's landlord like him, but Dean also helps out by posting vacancies on Craigslist, showing apartments, and assisting when shit hits the fan. Usually, he's the one to tell bums to please not setup their temporary homes on the property. Dean thinks that when one of the big 1-bedrooms opens up, we can score one for $1,500. That would be divine. We are keeping our fingers crossed.
In the mean time, we've been doing some home improvements with our studio. Last night, I told Dean that his dried out plant better perk itself up or else it would be replaced. "You have two weeks to look alive or else," I huffed to the plant as poor Dean looked on.
"Wait! We need more time. Please try to be nice. The plant can hear you."
"I don't care. You have until Halloween to look alive or you're outta here."
Dean's agreed with most of the improvements I've suggested. He offered one suggestion to buy the above furniture piece which can be found on the Design Within Reach site for $400. "Maybe we can find it on sale or go to Craigslist."
Bargain shopping is my forte. I google shopped for 'acrylic magazine rack stool,' sorted by lowest price, and found the exact product for $150 with no sales tax and free shipping. Very simple. I never pay full price anymore. No one should. Implement the google shopping search for all of your purchases: cosmetics, furniture, electronics, anything.
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